Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I spent my first 2 years after graduating from college at a child care center. I learned a lot but I desired to be in a classroom where the emphasizes was more on learning than on playing. I presented my resume to local schools and I received 3 offers. I accepted the offer at a Seventh Day Adventist school. I have recently begun my career as a Prek teacher. Please give advice on how to motivate my students/parents and how to keep the information fresh each year. If you are thinking about becoming a PreK teacher feel free to post any concerns/comments.


Unknown said...

Congratulations, you have successfully set up your blog site. Please add the comments around the use of blogs in the classroom and how they can facilitate teaching and learning. I will check back and add some more comments to your site.

Have fun in Bermuda!!

msdavinalston said...

Blogs are useful in the classroom because teachers can post assignments and students can retrieve them at their convenience. So if a student comes to class late and the teacher has given an assignment the student doesn't have to wonder what it is he/she can go into their classroom blog and find the assignment. If a student is absent they can see what happened in class without having to call the teacher or other friends. Also students can post questions they may have about a particular lesson and the teacher can respond to the question.

Unknown said...

Good response to my question. For further information about how to use blogs in an educational setting here are some links to sites that discuss this topic in more detail:

This should get you started.

Just a suggestion about your blog site, I did find it difficult to read because of the background and text color.